For Everything There is a Season and a Reason
For Everything There Is a Season and a Reason
Brother Lawrence Damien Cos
For everything there is a season and a reason
There is a time to be born and a time to die,
There is a time to be young and time to grow old,
A time to be weak and also a time to be bold.
We say we want peace as we advocate for war,
We talk about living while we participate in killing,
We call ourselves “Christians” but how can this be,
If our calling is for us to be like Jesus you and me?
It’s time to end war and embrace a season of peace,
To treat all of creation with worth and dignity,
To realize we are all a part of God’s family,
And let that lead down a new path to peace and unity.
There is a season and a reason and its leading us on,
Calling us to leave the past so a new day can dawn,
The Spirit ever beckoning us to keep moving on,
Towards a season of peace that will eternally go on.
This is my latest poem. Pray you all enjoy and any comments are always welcomed.
Brother Lawrence Damien Cos