The Age of Aquarius – What Is It?
Back in the 1960’s the 5th Dimension sang a song called “Age of Aquarius”. In the song, So they claimed that the dawning of the age of Aquarius was happening right then. What is this age about? What will it be like? How can we identify it? Can it be a reality or is it a nice dream but that’s it? Is it something humans can obtain on our own or something that will take divine intervention to bring about? Can we working with the Spirit of God bring peace to earth?
The song begins with the words:
{“When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars…”
In astrology, the moon represents the soul. It is strongly connected with the divine. It also is connected with the unconscious and the instincts.
The 7th house represents the “House of Partnership” in astrology. With this house, we see a shift away from self to others as partners to achieve a common goal.
Jupiter is the god of the sky, thunder and the chief deity in ancient
Rome. Mars is the Roman god of war that leads to peace. Jupiter, in our lives, represents all that is important to us and rules us. It’s all the little gods we have allowed to control parts of our lives and make us who we are. This can lead to conflict especially if we are self-centered and looking out for ourselves and not necessarily others.
Mars is the opposite. Though it may start in war its ultimate goal is peace. This was realized in the Pax Romana a over 200-year reign of relative prosperity and peace within the ancient Roman empire. Thus as we bring all Jupiter’s (all the controlling things that influence us) to Mars and pursue peace we can have peace both within us and also to share with others. Thus we can also live in peace without conflict but in harmony with each other and all of creation.
The song goes on to say when that happens then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars. Peace is the cessation of all conflict both within us and with everything that surrounds us. It is to realize we are all made in the image of God and therefore equal. There are no superior or inferior ones in God as we are all one in his sight. Love is to follow the way of Christ the anointed one. We do that as we learn to walk in the ways of peace and concern for others. If we do this, we will see the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”.
What is this dawning the song talks about? Is there anything Christian about it? If not is there anything that Christians can glean from it that will help us to be better, follow the way of Christ better? The word Aquarius means water bearer. To Christians, this can mean to help bear the burdens of others. This we do through prayer, giving when we can, and seeing our world as God sees it. It is realizing we are all made in the image of God but despite that, there is still too much injustice and poverty. war. greed in our world today. There is too much self-centeredness or concerns about me only. This has led to much violence in our schools for example where kids get offended and then go and get guns and proceed to kill because of their grievance and hurt. Gangs seek to control certain territories and everything within it killing all or opposing all who try to stand up to them. In many cases, life has become cheap to be drowned out with drugs or alcohol. Thus we need to become bearers and helpers in carrying the loads and troubles of life that afflict us all. Bills, family issues, job, school. health and a host of other issues can depress us and cause us to want to give up. However, that is not the way of Jesus. Jesus never quit going all the way to the agony of crucifixion and death.
Jesus also never promises us a life free of hurt and pain. It’s a part of life. However, he does promise to walk with us the entire journey never leaving or forsaking us. Therefore if we keep on going not quitting we will make it with Jesus at our side helping us.. The age to come might not be the coming of the age of Aquarius the 5th Dimension sang about but something much better I believe and will last for eternity. This can happen as we in cooperation with the Holy Spirit seek to bring as much of God’s love and kingdom to earth as we can. The final culmination will come when Jesus returns but still, there is plenty of work to be done, sharing Jesus with others both by our lives, witnesses, and words, to do all we can to show the true Jesus to the world. A Jesus of love, compassion, peace, tenderness who wants the best for us A person who is for us always and never against us wanting us to succeed and become all we were meant to be.
We can live in harmony and understanding where there is sympathy and trust abounding. We can live without falsehoods (lies) or deriding or the putting down of others. We can have golden living dreams that can make us crystal clear of what God is doing in our world today and our part and place in it. We can have visions that will help keep us going in the rough spots of life when we might be tempted to quit. Finally, we let not natural sunshine but let God’s son shine through us everywhere we go and to everyone, we meet until all the world will have heard the message of Jesus and his love for them and to accept it. We can truly bring about the “Age of Aquarius” the 5th Dimension sang about by preparing the way for the second coming of Christ by doing all we can to establish his kingdom here on earth. Then will come the true age of peace eternally. Let’s work for that reality.