Dear. family,
Why did Jesus die? Many Evangelicals would answer to appease an angry God. God was upset with the fall of our first parents and was going to send everyone to hell. Jesus came then to solve that problem and save all who would believe in him. However, is that the case or is there more to this story than meets the eye at first glance?
First, let’s consider what caused Adam and Eve to fall. In Genesis 3rd chapter we find them being beguiled and lied to by the serpent. Ok true enough. So why don’t they admit they blew it, seek God’s forgiveness and pardon, and be done with it? Possibly they could have remained in the garden walking and talking with God as they always had. If that had happened though, they could have eaten the fruit of the Tree of Life and lived forever in a fallen state. It was an act of mercy for God to expel them from the garden until he could make a way for them to be restored to the same fellowship they had before. No longer slaves to sin having to keep on doing it along with their descendants because they had no choice. Then Jesus comes to destroy sin once and for all. (Romans 5;8)
Secondly then was God angry with his creation rebelling against him. I believe the answer is no. God has never been angry at his creation. Heartbroken yes most definitely. Grieved again yes most certainly. Moved by what happened you better believe it. However, God was moved with compassion, not judgment. He just has to come up with a plan that once again allows humans to freely come into his presence. They have to be able to enter the heavenly temple to confess, seeking forgiveness, cleansing, and restoration. They know if they do that God will forgive them and cleanse them. (I John 1;8-9)
Thirdly payment had to be made for the sin and rebellion that had taken over and now controlled all those dwelling on earth. God could not simply ignore what was going on something had to be done. Due however to the enormity of sin stretching back to the beginning, happening now, and continuing until the return of Jesus it will take more than any human can do to make atonement for all those sins. After all, we are all sinners. (Romans 3;23) All we can do is help people find where they can get help and food just like we found it. A force from outside our fallen world would have to intervene and help save us from ourselves. God had just such a plan.
Fourthly God had a secret plan that would change everything. Jesus appears as a human laying aside his divinity. To the religious community as well as to the secular society of that time he is seen as a threat they are only too happy to get rid of. Crucifixion and all its humiliation are just an easy way to get the job done. All the gospels point to this as the climax of Jesus’ ministry resulting in his betrayal, arrest, trial, condemnation, and finally death. To his enemies, it looked like they had won while the followers of Jesus hid in fear. For three days this goes on. Then God suddenly moves. Jesus rises from the dead leaving an empty tomb behind. The door to salvation for all has been opened. The small group following Jesus will grow to millions and still be a major force in the world 2,000 years later. If those who killed Jesus had any idea of what they were doing they would never have done it. ( I Corinthians 2;8) They did however and we who believe are the recipients today.
In closing, I don’t believe Jesus died to appease an angry God. Instead, he came to restore us to God. His death led to resurrection and opened salvation to all without exception. Thus the words of Jesus are confirmed when he said he would receive all who would come to him. (John 6;37) He also says he will not leave us comfortless but will send the Holy Spirit to us to do two things. The first is to teach us. The second is to bring to our memory everything Jesus has spoken to us. ( John 14;26) We receive the Holy Spirit when we have our own Pentecost where the Holy Spirit is given to us to help guide and lead us in our daily lives and help us grow in our service. surrender and devotion to God. May that always be our goal for ourselves and as many as we can help do the same.